Thursday, 31 May 2007

Transformers Screening Review

AICN news has posted a review of the movie from a test screening of Transformers. Apparently its not the final cut of the film as temp tracks where used and probably still some CGI tweaking to be done. In summary though, the writer thought the movie was very entertaining, the action good, Transformers good (except Megatron), the human elements wooden or phoned in but really loved Shia's performance.

The review:
Hi all, the filmcoyote here again.

Anyway, mentioned having seen Transformers in the 'trailer that shows a lot' Talkback and a couple of Talkbackers said elaborate. It's a slow afternoon so what the hell.

Background: I was born ass-end of the 70s (this is going somewhere I promise) so hit the Transformers toy craze at the perfect age (see). Loved the cartoon, toys and 86 movie at the time but haven't revisited them as an adult. My trepidation of seeing a live action movie of Transformers did not come from a flames on Optimus/Bumblebee's not a VW bug stand point but just from a who the hell gives a rat's ass stand point. Michael Bay, meh, liked Rock and Bad Boys, hated Armageddon, laughed my ass off through Pearl Harbor (I expect not the intended reaction) so wasn't really bothered either way by him.

But I think my biggest issue was fogy syndrome. I have started to think I'm getting too old to enjoy cinematic lunacy fully. I was bored by 300, found myself complaining about characterisation in Spider-Man 3 and X-Men 3 (can't believe that would even have occurred to me as a kid) and was stunned that even Johnny Depp did nothing forme in Pirates 3. I wondered whether it was all the constant CG, that I yearned for the good old days of the Schwarzenegger 80s! When life was simpler. I felt this might have been confirmed when the John Rambo trailer got me as excited as a school kid two weeks ago.

Transformers proved me wrong. Characterization? - Where? CG? - Everywhere! But I really enjoyed it. It made me feel like I was 10 years old again. I don't think a summer movie has made me feel that way since The Matrix.

Let me elaborate. I will not lie to you, is Transformers a great movie, brilliantly written, completely devoid of a feeling of big-screen toy-advertisement? No, it isn't.

Are all the robots a great design? Well, this will split people I'm sure but Megatron sucks for sure. Have they picked great actors doing it for the art? Ha, Turturro's manicness and Voight's phoning in leave you with a sense of them dancing around their paychecks off screen with glee.

There's also this little robot (kind of the equivalent of Ravage and Laserbeak in the cartoon) that is played for comic effect that is incredibly irritating. But somehow - maybe because I had no expectations and with so maybe sequels these days expectations are hard to silence - I got past all these flaws and just enjoyed it for the sheer entertainment. And damn is it entertaining.

The film wastes no time getting down to business. That much touted helicopter transformation that trashes the army base present in some sense since the first trailer is the first scene of the whole film. In fact it moves back and forth between kick ass action (usually involving army guys and Decepticons) and the "human" story (Shia, Megan) nicely for the first 40 minutes or so.

The film has nods to the cartoon (a VW bug sitting next to Bumblebee in the used-car lot, the corny more than meets the eye line comes up at least twice, the cartoon transforming noise is in there) but is mostly its own thing.

The "human" more comedic side is actually pretty good. Often these days films can't get the balance of these things and they feel forced in and just make you wish they'd get back to big fuck-off robots battling (which is why we're there anyway). I think the reason they get away with it is LaBeouf. I had only seen him in Holes and Bobby prior to this and hadn't understood why there was such a buzz on him but his comic-timing is superb. He is just so effortlessly likeable. It's like Tom Hanks in Big, Will Smith in Independence Day, Michael J Fox in Back to The Future, he's effortless and gives a great performance.
And the reason I think this is why these bits work is simple: it's not the script - I know this because there's also another "human" story involving "sleeping throught the movie" Jon Voight and a bunch of tech geeks. And these bits are painful.

There's this one Aussie actress (if she warrants the term actress) who is almost as wooden as Keira Knightley. None of the actors in this section can do anything with the banal dialogue they are given, they simply don't have the talent. Thankfully there's not much of them. Shia just brings the whole thing to life, he is a true joy to watch and i look forward to other films he's in. Megan Fox is of course also in most of his scenes and she's fine. She is not bad at all and she's gorgeous but any reasonable actress her age could have done just as well. Shia is working on another level from those around him.

The print I saw had no score just temp tracks from The Rock, American Beauty and something else I couldn't place. I hope the real score is great because the American Beauty bits (which kicked in everytime Megan and Shia appeared on their own) were really distracting.

But what you want to know is robots, right? We've all seen the designs and for me they work fine. They are a bit busy but they have a sense of the real to them. Realism no. This is a movie about giant fuck-off robots, there's no room for realism but in a way they make sense, it feels right that they are what they are. As for what the Transform into, this is explained away in a Bumblebee scene when we see him as a beat up car scan another car and instantly upgrade to look bad new. The reason he's not a VW? That's not what he scanned. So essentially all these robots could become anything. The only thing they never really explain is why all the Decepticons seem to be able to fly while none of the Autobots can. Maybe, they just don't chose to.

The thing on here the other day about the trailer with Bumblebee's voice - not Bumblebee's voice. Bumblebee doesn't talk - his voice unit was damaged in a war - and he communicates through his radio. Peter Cullen is great as Optimus Prime but, maybe it's just me, but he didn't sound much like he did in the cartoon. I don't know why they bothered getting Hugo Weaving in for Megatron. For a start Megatron's barely in the film - he's in maybe the last 20 minutes - and it could be anyone voicing.

The thing that really had me awed though is the transformations. When one of the robots transforms mid movement is looks incredible. Barricade (a Decepticon police cruiser) is first to do it, chasing Bumblebee and Shia in robot form and transforming into his car form in mid-stride. There are more instances in the non-stop action finale - the best of them being Starscream mif-flight transformation to land in robot form and enter a fray. These are the moments that really took me, that transported me back into my 10-year-old self. I got so excited by it. As I say I probably haven't been genuinely excited by watching a blockbuster since The Matrix. It was a feeling I remember having for Jedi as a kid, Batman and T2 as a teenager.

I'm not saying Transformers is as good as T2 but it was a real surprise. It has plot weaknesses and some shakey performances but it is hugely entertaining both in the frequent battle set pieces, whether human vs robot or robot vs robot, and in the Shia LaBeouf moments. Even some of the comedy (Optimus trying to hide behind a house he's twice the size of) worked for me (although my friend this scene a little over the top). But that's just it, like the first Pirates movie it is the over-the-topness combined with great set pieces and superb special effects that make it so enjoyable and help you see past the flaws. I'm sure those more invested in the 80s show will have issues with things I either didn't notice or don't get (why is flames on Optimus a big deal? - though I get the Optimus mouth thing, that was weird) but then that's like comic-book movies to me, I never read them so I don't care if Venom's a great or sucky character in Spider-Man I just want to be entertained for a couple of hours.

Transformers did that for me. Best of this years crop so far (not that the disappointing Spider-Man 3, dull At World's End or abyssmal Shrek the Third set the bar high mind you!) by a long way.

Transformers At MTV Movie Awards

According to, the June 3rd live Movie Awards pre-show (7:30pm EST)will have some exclusive Transformers footage. Also assuming that some more stuff including commercials will occur during the show since its a good platform to advertise the movie. Also Transformers is up (with like 8 others) for Most Anticipated Movie.

From the site:
MTV sent us the following alert about Transformers at the MTV Movie Awards:

For the movie buffs at home, the MTV Movie Awards Pre-Show will include exclusive footage with the stars of Transformers, the summer's most anticipated action flick.

Tune in at 7:30pm/6:30c to see Megan Fox of Transformers "transform" from grunge to glamour as MTV News cameras document her entire "getting ready process."

Shia LaBeouf, Josh Duhamel and Tyrese of Transformers will join MTV News' Tim Kash to show off the actual cars and reveal an EXCLUSIVE never-before-seen clip from the movie.

Hosted by Sarah Silverman the 2007 MTV Movie Awards will air LIVE on June 3rd at 8:00pm/7c from the Gibson Amphitheater in Universal City, CA.

Peter Cullen Video Interview At TF Game Site

Transformers: The Game website has updated with new video interview with Peter Cullen talking about being Prime and the movie roll. The video can be found under "Videos" section of the site. The video is interesting for shows how tries to do the voice and includes decent amount of Optimus Prime game footage. While at the site, also hit up the "Downloads" section, then "Wallpapers". It was where got that image of Cybertron and has a nice shot of Optimus Prime from the game.

Transformers U.S. Premiere Is June 27th

According to Comming Soon, the U.S. premiere date for Transformers is June 27 in Los Angeles.

From the article:
Director Michael Bay's Transformers will hold its Los Angeles premiere at the Los Angeles Film Festival on June 27.

The DreamWorks/Paramount release, set for a July 4 domestic debut, will screen simultaneously at The Landmark Regent, the Mann National, the Mann Bruin and the Mann Village, where the main premiere will take place.

The premiere will be followed by a party on the Festival Promenade on Broxton Avenue.

Paramount Picturers International has also set international premieres for June 20 in Sitges, Spain, and the next day at the Taormina Film Fest in Italy.
Probably be a fun event to attend with lots of red carpet eye candy.

More TF Toy Galleries

Beatmix BumblebeeJune 2nd is the release date of a ton of Transformers related product beyond just toys. Click here to see list of about 225 items of this nature. To me though its not a TF unless it, you know, transforms. Anyway, below are more galleries to this and that.

Kmart Exclusive Unleashed Bumblebee - Basically a detailed plastic statue.
Deluxe Bumblebee as 2008 Camaro - Pretty much a first look of Bumblebee as a '08 rather then '76 Camaro.
Target Exclusive Deluxe Figures - Re-colored, re-packaged Cybertron line figures
Protoform Canteens - Your guess is as good as mine.
Skyblast and Signal Flare - More Target exclusives, also re-colored and re-packaged Cybertron line figures.
Movie Bumblebee and Megatron Robot Heroes - Bizarre little figures that make the TFs cute and don't transform.
Deluxe Barricade - Lots more pics of this figure. Still on the fence on whether to toy is worth buying.
Beatmix Bumblebee - Similar to the iDog etc where it "dances" to the music that comes from an MP3 player into its speaker. Because a Sharper Image item, its also costs twice as much with MSRP of $59.95.

Hasbro's Transformers Promo Box

TFW2005 and TFormers has posted about a sweet looking promo box full of Transformer goodies that they recieved. Suffice it to say I am quite jealous. The packaging alone is sweet. The goodies inside even better which includes Leader class Megatron, Deluxe Swindle and Bonecrusher, Barricade police t-shirt, transformable pen and lithos. The promo box is probably to help promote the Saturday launch date of the Transformers line in stores.

For TFormers pics of the overall promo box, click here.
For pics of all the goodies that came inside, from TFW2005, click here.

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

TF: The Game: Optimus Prime Revealed

Transformers The Game official website has added some pics that reveal Optimus Prime in robot and truck mode. Keep in mind that the game designers are working directly from the models ILM created for the movie so what you see here is a good, but not exact, representation of what will be in the movie. No indication if this is in game as player graphics or interstitial movie graphics. Click pic for a larger 1014x575 image.

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Nickelodeon Trailers Versions A and B

As previously posted, Nickelodeon started airing a new trailer on May 29th. At the time the available copy was a camcorder recording TV. Now, thanks to, better versions are available with 2 different versions. One is Frenzy kick and the other is usual Prime outside window but with additional wide shot for perspective.
Nick Spot Version A (Frenzy Ending)

Nick Spot Version B (Prime Ending)

Also thanks to "ChessPieceFace" from TFW2005 boards, can download the A version in 5MB AVI or 18MB MPEG.
Thanks to Maximus, can now download version B, click here.

Transformers World Premiere June 21st

In a bit of news haven't found yet on another TF related website, according to The Hollywood Reporter, the world premiere of Transformers will occur June 21st in Taormina, Italy during the 53rd Taorminia Film Fest. Michael Bay and unspecified cast members will fly in by helicopter for a ceremony before the screening.

The article:
'Transformers' to conquer Taormina first
By Eric J. Lyman

ROME -- "Transformers," the big-budget summer action flick from Michael Bay and executive producer Steven Spielberg, will have its world premiere at the Taormina Film Fest, Deborah Young, the event's artistic director, said Tuesday.

Young said the premiere would represent the first time a major U.S. film of that stature premiered at the 53-year-old Taormina event.

Bay, several cast members and executives from distributor Paramount Pictures will arrive by helicopter in an elaborate ceremony before the June 21 screening.

The science fiction film about an invasion of Earth by transformer robot armies will open elsewhere on the planet July 4.

"We think the decision to premiere 'Transformers' in Taormina shows a renewed interest in the festival, and it illustrates the strong ties between this Mediterranean festival and American cinema," Young, in her first year as artistic director, said in an interview.

Taormina, located on the Italian island of Sicily, will host the festival June 16-22.
A week after that, June 28th, the movie takes its bow in several countries around the world including Korea, Australia, Taiwan, and (just learned) Malaysia. Check the site title at the top for all the premiere dates currently aware of. The picture above is a Malaysian advertisement for the film courtesy of Asri.

Transformers Score Recording Pics has a series of pictures that covers some of the recording of the score for Transformers. The composer is Steve Jablonsky.

From the article, "There are six major themes within the score, which runs approximately 90-minutes in length. While the classic "Transfomers" theme song doesn't figure into the score (as of this writing, at least), Jablonsky indicated that he did work on a new version of it, which could possibly appear over the end credits or on the song soundtrack album. The thematic motif heard in the original teaser music from last fall (which Jablonsky scored) is also woven into the score. The recently released theatrical trailer does feature original music written by Jablonsky, but intentionally has no relation to the score for the film. Additionally, Jablonsky wrote the music for the upcoming computer game tie-in, which will be released by Activision on June 19th."

Stinks about the original theme being confirmed as no longer in play. I am betting its because of the lawsuit between the original composer over royalties. Why pay her to use it if can just create a new one? Ironically if had waited to file until after the movie, would have had more money coming to her.

The soundtrack album will be out June 26th and apparently there are plans to possibly release a score album. The difference is one is some of the score (generally open and ending music) and then lots of (usually) pop music that played in the film. The score is like the title, its the instrumental music that played in the background of the film. Rarely vocals and more for the die hard fan who just like that music. Similar to say the score albums for Glory, Braveheart and Titantic.

To see all the pics of the recording, click here.
Also if interested in a few Bay on set pics, click here.

Monday, 28 May 2007

Bumblebee Speaks in New TV Spot?

Another Transformers TV Spot has hit the web. In it Bumblebee may or may not speak to "Its you and me" while handing the AllSpark to Spike. Now my understanding, supported by the Prequel comics, is that Megatron ripped out Bumblebee's voice box so he can only speak using music vocals so no guarantee the voice is his or not. Below is a crappy capture of the spot, but at least a capture one can see. I will replace it once a better version comes along.

Sunday, 27 May 2007

New Sector 7 Email Reveals Another International Poster

Sector 7 website updated with a new email. In that email is an interesting new this new international poster for Transformers. Click the poster to get the full 1620x2400 image. Thanks to Methusalen for the info.

From: Restricted
Subject: Operation Hungry Dragon
Date Sent: May 27 2007 12:32 (MST)
To: Simmons

Operation Hungry Dragon 2 has begun its global initiative.
Attached to this email you will find our new international "movie poster". We need to infiltrate the other side of the ocean before they do.

We're still conducting investigations of every protestor who tried to disrupt our ground campaign -- they will be neutralized. Unfortunately, our latest intel finds the level of anti-Sector-Seven feelings on the rise, no doubt thanks to X's increasing ranks of operatives.

What is a "Brotherhalo" anyway?

-John Ho

P.S. Reggie, can you believe its been 30 years to the day? Me, you and those foreign exchange twins at the Chinese. Good times.

Saturday, 26 May 2007

3 New Transformers Posters

From AICN news comes 3 new international posters for Transformers that is basically the Taiwan poster with the TF faces poster size. Thanks to Chad T. for the link.
Optimus Prime International PosterMegatron International PosterBumblebee International Poster

Friday, 25 May 2007

Megan Fox Killer3 Transformers Related Commerical

Below is a commercial with Megan Fox and the Pontiac Solstice (Jazz) promoting the Killer3 website. I guess the main point is Megan Fox is hot, Megan likes the Solstice so you should to. Except they do so many quit edits of Fox that its more like "she might be hot but can't tell." Thanks to Maximus for the link.

Also below that are the Hi-res transfers to YouTube for the TV spots Declare and Vibration. Personally I can't tell a difference between these and the others (left hand column) but just in case some can, there they are. Thanks to DJ for the links.

Megan Fox & Killer3



Thursday, 24 May 2007

Hasbro's Updated

Hasbro's site has finally updated with the new movie toy related content. The site has games, videos and ability to choose avator for yourself. It also provides multiple welcome messages from Peter Cullen/Optimus Prime. If don't feel like hunting around the site, TFW2005 has summarized most of the content but requires login to access it.

Ultimate Bumblebee Transformation Video

Below is a video of the transformation of the $79.99 Ultimate Bumblebee coming June 2nd.

Taiwan Transformers Poster

Courtesy of "littleiron" from TWF2005 comes the below poster from Taiwan. This probably provides the first solid look at the face of Optimus Prime and Megatron. Bumblebee not bad to. Also interesting that the US posters has no Josh Duhamel but the Taiwan poster does. I wonder why the difference. To compare the various posters, look no further then the right column below the ads.

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Toy Stuff

Another week and more galleries and reviews of the new movie related Transformers toys. From what reading online, most stores including Wal-Mart, Target and Toys R Us are sticking with the June 2nd release date for the line so if there are some favorites you are keeping an eye on mark the calender. Being the lazy person that I am I just want to get the ones that I want and not have to hunt any further because of sellouts or worse, the space hoggers that prevent new stuff from being ordered.

Also Hasbro finally gave some details on the various Target "Robo-vision" exlusives. Main thing of note is the Target stuff will come with "Robo-vision" codes that when used with a decoder that unlocks online content. Also some mention of the codes being used in the Target exclusive versions of the Transformers: The Game but the details on that haven't been release yet. The main toy exclusive is a slightly shinier color version of Leader class Optimus Prime. The other items include a "movie scout" assortment named Arcee, Hardtop, and Signal Flare. These three toys are just re-colors of toys released as part of the Cybertron line from last year just as an FYI.

Galleries and reviews:
Wreckage - Part of the toy line but not in the movie. Maybe in the game but not confirmed.
Ultimate Bumblebee - $80 toy that looks pretty darn good but outside my budget. Also first shot of Leader class Brawl, a not previously mentioned toy of the line.
Legends Optimus Prime - $4 toy so don't expect much.
"Robot Replicas" TF line - Basically action figures of the robot modes of Optimus Prime and Megatron.
Deluxe Brawl
Deluxe Barricade Review - Reviewer liked it but personally the robot mode is wanting.
Deluxe Brawl Review - He liked it and so far I think I do to
Deluxe Jazz Review - Apparently has bad articulation but doesn't look to bad.
Deluxe Wreckage Review - Overall good scores and nice looking TF
Deluxe Bonecrusher Review - Clunky and ugly
Deluxe Ironhide Review - Overall solid. Good robot mode, good alt mode.

Updated: Added Deluxe Ironhide and Bonecrusher Review links

Transformers Trailer in 720p and in Italian

Shoot for the Edit has posted a zip file that contains the 2 recent TV spots in 720p for those that are interested. Click here to downloads the files.

Also, just for giggles check out the current theatrical trailer in Italian, by clicking here. Thanks to TFW2005 posters for the links.

Update: Found a new site, The Movie Box, that offers a nice clean summary of links to all the trailers, TV spots and other misc footage in various formats for Transformers. Click here to see.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Bernie Mac, Anthony Anderson Movie Stills has posted two movie still from Transformers with Bernie Mac and Anthony Anderson. Not sure what Anthony's role is in the film. Bernie is the car salesman as seen in the various trailers. Thanks to Wilson M. for the link.

Transformers The Game Blackout and Starscream

Transformers The Game site has updated with a few pics of Blackout and Starscream from Transformers: The Game coming out near the end of the July. Not sure about the environments but the robots are looking pretty sweet. There is apparently additional content, such as G1 info and other screenshots, under "Allspark Special Access" but it doesn't become available until a faction conquers the world. The pics below I snagged from TFW2005.

iPod Transformer in Movie?

According to an interview MTV conducted with Josh Duhamel, he indicated a "little iPod thing...this crazy little 12-inch iPod that turns into this killing machine," will steal all his scenes.

From the MTV post:
The 30 and 60-gigabyte models might seem big, but beware…your iPod is capable of a lot more than meets the eye, “Transformers” star Josh Duhamel revealed exclusively to MTV News.

“The Transformer that will steal all the scenes I would say is this little iPod thing, [it’s] crazy,” he enthused. “It’s pretty cool.” Although he didn’t mention it by name, it’s possible he was talking about the Transformer known as Soundwave, a Generation-1 Decepticon who, in the original cartoon, changes from a large robot into a tape deck. While the design might have seemed cutting edge in 1985, a tape deck wouldn’t fit into the hyper-modern setting for the Michael Bay-directed flick.

But just because he’s small, that doesn’t mean this Transformer shouldn’t be taken seriously. “It’s like this crazy little 12-inch iPod that turns into this little killing machine,” he divulged.
Its already been confirmed straight from the producers and writers that Soundwave is not in this movie. What was named Soundwave has now been named Frenzy, whose alt mode is a boom box.

There was an early script rumor that XBox's, iPods and other common electronic gadgets would become Transformers when exposed to the Allspark. It wasn't been mentioned since then by anyone, no toys really have come out about it unless count the "Real Gear" line which doesn't really "look" like the hyper detailed Transformers of the movie.

My theory, and hopefully wrong because who wouldn't want to see a transforming iPod, is that the idea was discussed during filming and later all those ideas where combined into Frenzy. One character model to create that serves the same purpose story wise without the expense of having to create a bunch of other robots designs for a small scene to show the power of the Allspark.

Give "Fiction" from Transformers Soundtrack A Listen

Alternative Addiction has "Fiction (Before It's Too Late)" by the Goo Goo Dolls for Transformers available to listen to. According to the site the soundtrack will be in stores on June 26th but doesn't mention what the rest of the songs will be.

Click here to reach the song. I am not sure what it requires to play. If it requires Realplayer to be installed to listen, my recommendation is to NOT install Realplayer (crappy program) and wait until an alternative way to listen becomes available. Thanks to site readers for the link. Personally hadn't had much luck getting it to play, just says "buffering" so site might be just getting slammed.

Monday, 21 May 2007

"Heroes" Transformers TV Trailer

Another series finale, another Transformers trailer. Same basic theme, phrasings etc, but slightly different scenes.

According to Bay's Shoot for the Edit site, the Family Guy trailer is called "Declare". The post also pointed to here to download the quicktime version of the Heroes trailer.

Possible Transformers TV Trailer Number 4

During Family Guy I noticed a different TV trailer played then one I had seen before. It incorporates elements of the new theatrical trailer such as Scorponok detaching from Blackout and little bit more of the protoforms. If its new, hopefully it will show up on Yahoo Movies in HD form.


Sunday, 20 May 2007

Vector Sigma Site Password

Thanks to site reader Lorenzo P., the password for the site has been discovered. The site was discovered as a result of the new Sector 7 password where one of the harddrives contained a screenshot of the site.

The password is MEGAMAN and the site is case sensitive. Or you can click here or here for direct access. The difference is screen size dimensions.

Megaman is not a reference to the blue-domed character from the Capcom games but the "human" reference to Megatron that Sector 7 currently posseses in frozen storage at Hoover Dam. As the screenshot shows, the site mimics the Sector 7 view but apparently is the desktop of "Agent X".

Starting from the top-left, have two harddrives. The red-striped one is for "Intercepted Documents" such as the story of Agent FWIFFO and the animated Transformers being used to hide the real existence of the them. It also has the weeks 1, 3-7 of the Stop Sector Seven podcasts. The second black harddrive is the "Hidden" TV trailer.

Along the top-middle are three image placeholders, only one active. The active one is showing a monitor or computer screen and not much else. Almost the same image as the BYBYEPOWERS S7 surviellence video had. Top-right is two more hard drives. The first isn't accessible, the second can be moved around the screen, not sure why. If using the small version of the site, it might be laid out so red strip on the left, all 3 black harddrives on the right. Information within is the same.

Along the bottom are the 4 Zelda (from Ocarina of Time I think) and yield symbols. The triforce is satellite footage of Hoover Dam where Megatron is located. The second symbol is a recording of Optimus Prime, from the Make Prime Speak contest, saying "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." Middle symbol currently does nothing.

The biohazard type symbol is email. Currently the email is a threat from S7 leader Agent Simmons, question from Agent TC about the symbols (answer above), and one from Fwiffo. The last symbol, the yield, currently does nothing. Hopefully a video will pop up there soon.

So first Sector (CODEBLACK), now (MEGAMAN).

Update: Based on the info from the comments and confirmed by comments elsewhere turns out is a fan creation. A very well done fan creation, but not official part of the viral Sector 7 campaign for the movie. Shame though, very good idea of some potential there.

Saturday, 19 May 2007

TF: The Game Activision Interview

GameDaily had a brief Q&A with TF executive producer Daniel Suarez about the upcoming Transformers: The Game. From the article:

More Than Meets the Eye - Activision Talks Transformers

With the Transformers game due out in about one month we decided to chat with executive producer Daniel Suarez to get a behind-the-scenes look at how the game is shaping up. Activision worked extensively with the filmmakers to capture the essence of the movie. Not only will Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox reprise their roles, but the game will also feature the original voices for Optimus Prime and Megatron.

Activision has brought two of the central stars, Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox, from the upcoming Transformers movie to their video game. Daniel Suarez, executive producer at Activision for Transformers: The Game, took some time to talk about the convergence between the two mediums and how this new game is a great example of Hollywood and game companies working in tandem to expand the film experience to the interactive realm.

GameDaily BIZ: Can you talk about what bringing the actors on board from the film adds to the video game?
Daniel Suarez: First and foremost, it adds legitimacy and authenticity and in the case where you have such a dynamic and well know voice as Optimus Prime voiced by Peter Cullen, not having him as part of the game would have been a travesty. The same goes for the human characters in the film.

BIZ: When did you do the voice-work with the actors and how big a role will they have in the game?
DS: We started the bulk of our recording in late January and continued through the end of March. We had two groups of characters to record – Human and Transformers. The Transformers has the largest number of characters in the game and also the biggest volume of dialog (over 5,000 lines). When some of the characters from the film were locked in we were able secure the talent for the game and get them into the studio. Notable cast members we recorded include Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime, Frank Welker reprising his role as Megatron from the original TV series, Keith David as Barricade and Mark Ryan as Iron Hide.

For the human characters we were fortunate to get original cast members from the film including Shia Labeouf and Megan Fox. Shia is a huge gamer and we actually had the luck of meeting him on the set during one of our visits to see the shooting of the film. It was there that we were introduced and his passion for videogames really made it clear that he needed to be a part of this project.

BIZ: Will there be likenesses of any other main actors from the movie in the game?
DS: Yes, Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox are both in the game and both play their human counterparts from the film, Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Baines. We were really fortunate to be able to cast both actors in the game and what was a bonus is that both Shia and Mega are huge game players. When we originally met Shia we brought him out to Activision and had him play a very early version of the game to give him an idea of what his involvement would require and the direction we were taking with the game.

BIZ: Can you talk about how the developer worked with the filmmakers? I heard there was actually a set-up on the set for this game to be made?
DS: Activision worked very closely with producers Ian Bryce and Mark Vahradian to ensure that we were kept up to date on all elements of the film production. Activision was granted permission to work directly with ILM to translate the actual film models into in-game models for the next generation systems (PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360) and ensure the level of detail moviegoers were seeing onscreen would translate to their home gaming system.

BIZ: How much involvement was there from Michael Bay or the producers from the movie?
DS: Transformers: The Game was developed in conjunction with Hasbro, DreamWorks Pictures, Paramount and Bay Films. There was a lot of coordination required to ensure that all parties were seeing everything and that information was being funneled properly between each group.

BIZ: Can you talk about the attitude that Hollywood now has with games and how that's evolved?
DS: Having worked on multiple movie based games in my career at both Vivendi Games and Disney Interactive, I have first hand experience on how the perception has changed – and definitely for the better. Video games are no longer considered another licensed consumer product like a coffee cup or beach towel like they were about 10 years ago. Film makers, studio executives and nearly everyone involved in the production, marketing and promotion of a film are now gamers or have kids who are gamers. This makes the process of developing a working relationship with the film makers and the studio a lot easier as they have a greater understanding of your end goal and have built up sensibilities about the video game medium that allows them to contribute thoughts and ideas to better integrate the intellectual property into the game.

Additionally, technology has helped bridge the gap. In years past, movie assets would have simply been beyond the processing power of any game system, but in today's next generation of game systems – we can take film CG models and adjust the resolution and level of detail to translate to the capabilities of the game consoles, making the transition from film asset to game asset that much more seamless and the visual connection that much more realistic to the game player.

BIZ: How will the game expand the actions from the film? Will there be any new vehicles or characters that couldn't make it into the movie?
DS: Transformers: The Game expands the movie universe in a couple of different and unique ways. First and most, Transformers is an intellectual property with a long history in TV, toys and comic books and it was important for us to integrate elements of that into the game to capitalize on that built-in heritage. That being said, we have several unlockable characters across our portfolio of Transformers game that give players the chance to play with characters from Generation 1 (original series of Transformers) that are not in the film.

BIZ: What role does the player assume in the game?
DS: Transformers: The Game, lets players choose between Autobots and Decepticons and ultimately play out the game based on their favorite faction. Crucial to the Transformers story is the classic battle of good versus evil and in Transformers we wanted to give players the choice to play the entire game as the Autobots or to choose the Decepticons' side and play the entire game unlike the movie story. The fan base has such strong affinity with both the good and evil characters that players will experience the best of both worlds, choosing to save human life and property as the Autobots or destroy it as the Decepticons.

BIZ: Thanks for your time.

Transformers Trailer: Shrek Version

Turns out there is a third version of the third and final theatrical trailer for Transformers. There is the US Yahoo Movies one, extended version, and now a Shrek version. The length is more or less the same but each has a few scenes that the other doesn't have. For the Shrek version, the biggest difference would be Scorponok having a few more moments. Below are three versions now on YouTube to compare against. The Shrek version was filmed, possibly by a cell phone, in a theatre so the quality is crap but can see enough to know what was changed. Hopefully a "clean" version will be released soon. I wonder if the Pirates 3 will be a fourth iteration of the same trailer? Thanks to Chad T. for the link.
Shrek Version

Extended Version

Yahoo Movies Version

Friday, 18 May 2007

HD TV and Theatrical Trailers

Last couple days have been busy with new release of a new TV trailer and movie trailer. On the left side column of this website are all the YouTube versions of each trailer. Can see em tiny by hitting the play icon or click them to get to the YouTube site to see the larger version.

For those that don't mind download size, below are the links to all the trailers both standard and HD.

Yahoo Movies! - All the trailers and TV spots (except "Discovery") in HD and standard when available.
TV Spot 3 "Discovery" in HD
TV Spot 3 "Discovery" Standard

Bay Comments On Fan Reaction to Trailer

Bay posted up a comment on his Shoot For The Edit blog regarding Transfan reaction to the new trailer:
Hey, i want to thank everyone for the kind words on the trailer. I'm so used to seeing robots I kind of got bored with the trailer. I forget you have not seen them. When they put the piece together I kept wanting to show our truly awesome shots - but we didn't. I can without a doubt say we have just teased you on this trailer. We have so many awesome shots that will never be in our ads. I bet this will be one of the rare trailers that does not show you the true money shots of the movie.

I would also like fans opinion on opening on July 3rd instead of the 4th. The studio kind of sort of is thinking about which might mean "no". If you spread the word on the Net - they might listen. The 3rd everyone is off from work, I say "what the fuck" play the movie - "give'em giant fucking robot early"!!!

I personally wouldn't mind the movie opening early. I wonder how early he means. Sony had decided to open Shrek Third a day early kinda, by encouraging a 10:00pm start date rather then the 12:01am time some theatres do. Since only get one airing either way, don't see what difference it makes. Personally because of work, I rather have a 12:01am showing. Also really only the most fanatic show up at the time so it makes for a great audience experience. Often times a good audience can make a film even better to watch.

Final Transformers Trailer Screenshots

With the new trailer comes many new screenshots that show the detail of the Transformers. Some of the screenshots used come from the HD version so if there is a lag in load time that may be why. Below are some screen shots provide by Chad T. More shots can be found at here and here. Thanks to Mitchell Z and a site reader for the links.

Sector 7: New Password Is CODEBLACK

With the release of the new trailer comes a new Sector 7 password - CODEBLACK (not case sensitive) thanks to eagle-eyed viewers who saw that at the 28 second mark the S7 symbol pops up with the password. Or you can just click here as it bypasses the login. This new login brings a different background and basically summarizes all the data from the previous versions. The only new thing really is a new video from shadow guy to Agent Simmons indicating S7 is back up and running but still concerned about the mole and preparing for all-out invasion since at delta threat level (whatever that means).

Starting from the top left, you have 4 harddrives, all of them scene from previous desktops. The first harddrive is the Takara agreement and 3 satellite photos. The second harddrive is currently not accessible. The third harddrive brings the various YouTube videos and the like with Grimlock going down a street, Kickback landing on a leaf and so forth. They have been with the site since March but if you haven't seen it before, click here where Jalopnik have combined the footage into one video. The last harddrive has the 2nd theatrical trailer and surveillence array footage.

The 5 surveillance array's are gone so nothing in the top center. Along the top right are 4 folders. Folder 1 includes the 10 "Stop Sector 7" podcasts. Also has images from the TF building reveal from last week, and screenshots from various Stop Sector Seven websites including a new one, Vector-Sigma was the name given to the Ark computer that crashed landed on Earth with the Transformers for the cartoon series. Oops, as pointed out by a site reader, Teletran-1 was the Ark computer and Vector-Sigma was the computer that gave life to G1 Transformers. More or less the equivilant of the Allspark in the movie. The site is currently password protected (when can get it to load).

Folder 2 is the satellite images seen under the previous BYBYEPOWERS login. Folder 3 is all the Dr. Howard/Agent Powers videos from the previous logins. The final folder is the S7 logos that have been available since the site first opened.

Along the are six symbols that almost look like letters. The I icon is the S7 building schematics, levels 6 and 7 remain locked. The next symbol is for email, no new ones in the inbox yet. The N and Y are locked and do nothing. The E is the previous shadow man video from the previous login. The yield symbol is where the new video content is.

S7 mystery continues, be glad when "real" developments occur though so things can get interesting up to the movie release date. I do wonder though, is the site schedule on US release date time or some other countries who are getting the movie up to a week early.

Transformers 3D Toy Site Up and More Galleries is now up and running. This site is a Hasbro site that covers the wave 1 toyline of Transformers related toys with screenshots and other info. The gimmick for the site you have the option to see the images in 2D or 3D. Of course for the 3D you need 3D glasses. If you already have them, enjoy. If you don't, I have no idea where you can get them as the site doesn't indicate if that is something that would be included with any of the toys.

Click here to check out the site. Now for some more toy galleries for the curious.

Deluxe Blackout
Deluxe Bonecrusher
Deluxe Brawl
Target Exclusive Titanium 3 Pack
Legends Starscream Review
Deluxe Scorponok
Deluxe Swindle - Not actually in the movie but wouldn't surprise me if in one of the games.
Movie Keychains
Cyber Stompin Bumblebee 2-pack
Deluxe Wreckage - Another toy that isn't in the movie but maybe the game.

Megan Fox Signed For Sequel

MTV has a brief article with Megan Fox where she confirms she is signed on for a sequel and the script is being written now. Not really suprising news considering Josh Duhamel, Peter Cullen and Shia Leboeuf have all confirmed sequel agreements. At this point I just want to know when the voices in the movie will be finalized.

Transformers The Game Screenshots and News

TWF2005 has posted two new graps (see below) from the upcoming Transformers: The Game that is coming out around 6/26. I say around because depending on where you look the range is from 6/19 to 7/4, but 6/26 is the number that comes up the most.

The main news though is even though the games will focus on the Transformers, Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox have agreed to reprise their roles of Sam Witwicky and mikaela for the game adaptions. Also of interest is the writer for the game is flint Gille who wrote for the orginial Generation 1 television series.

Click here for the full Hollywood Reporter article.

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Final Theatrical Trailer for Transformers Now Available

Yahoo! Movies now has the last theatrical trailer for Transformers online. There still might be more TV spots, but as for as the over 2 minutes trailers shown in theatres, this is probably it. With a little over a month and a half to go there really isn't a reason to create a third.

Click here for the trailer in various formats.

Update: Now embedded the trailers. Notice there are two. The YouTube is the trailer that premiered on Yahoo Movies!, the Google one is the same trailer, only as an additional humorous scene at the end between Spike and Optimus. Also click here to download the trailer.

Additional information is during the trailer, Bumblebee's radio provides the next Sector 7 password: CODEBLACK. Thanks to Maximus, TigerClaw and other reading for providing the additional information.

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

New Transformers TV Trailer

During the broadcast of American Idol a new TV trailer premiered on the eve of the final Transformers trailer. Enjoy!

Final Trailer Out 5/17 at 10:10am PST?

For those that joined the "Mobile Fan Club" at Stop Sector Seven site, may have gotton an intersting message, "Their lies continue on Yahoo. 5/17 10:10am PST."

Its already been leaked that the final movie trailer is coming online on 5/17, in limited release with Friday release of Shrek the Thrid and full release with Pirates 3 on May 25th. Considering Yahoo has been the location that Dreamworks has been using to premiere its trailers other then the offical website, its not a reach to assume that 10:10PST/1:10EST is the release time for the new trailer on Yahoo! Movies.

Killer3 Set and Megan Fox Pics

Pics of Jazz are online courtesy of the new Killer3 website, which redirects to MaximOnline, which is a promotion between Maxim, Transformers and Pontiac. The site has a contest with grand prize being a trip to Hollywood for premiere of Transformers, meet Megan Fox and get a Pontiac Solstice.

The site also provides access to pics and the like including wallpaper of Jazz. The site requires registration, including email, phone number and address so just be aware you are signing up for junk mail and spam from Maxim and Pontiac.

Using a little creative use of screenshots, able to re-create the pics from the site below including the not so relevant Megan Fox pics, just cause she is hot. Tried adding a watermark but the freeware using warped the image a little too much so decided to do without. If other sites grab em please credit this site.

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Jazz Pics From Maxim

MaximOnline apparently had some pics of Jazz, probably due to their in magazine advertising campaign for the Pontiac Solstice. TFW2005 mirrored the images and now so have I below.

Maxim Solstice AdAs you probably noticed some of those pictures have a website logo on them. That is Killer3, which redirects to MaximOnline, which is a promotion between Maxim, Transformers and Pontiac. The site is has a contest with grand prize being a trip to Hollywood for premiere of Transformers, meet Megan Fox and get a Pontiac Solstice.

The site also provides access to pics and the like including some very hot pics of Megan Fox who is quite photogenic. The site requires registration, including email, phone number and address so just be aware you are signing up for junk mail and spam from Maxim and Pontiac.