Tuesday 3 July 2007

Killer 3 Contest Winner

Turns out the winner of the Killer 3 contest from Pontiac was someone that learned about the contest from my site. Apparently its getting around some and emailed the Transformers Live Message Boards admin Chad about his experience at the Transformers Premiere on June 27th.

Here is the email with personal information removed just in case:
I just wanted to say I've been checking the blog several times a day for a long time. I have a subscription to Maxim Magazine but I heard about the Killer 3 contest on the blog first. Long story short I entered and won! I saw the premiere on the 27th and It was amazing. I grew up with the Transformers and continue to be a fan today. I might not be as big a fanatic as many but I never stopped following the Transformers. I went to the premiere in L.A. and met Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Anthony Anderson, and Peter Cullen! I got some great pictures with them and the cars and I still have a Pontiac Solstice comming! I guess after all that I'm biased but I thought the movie was perfect and a great interpretation of the Transformers in relation to the climate that the world is in today. Just wanted to share that with you guys and say thanks for keeping the blog going. Just one last question, does anyone else look at the "Wreckage" figure and think that it was probably intended to be an "earth form" Megatron and it just didn't make it? If you look at the figure and compare it to Megatron in the movie (who I thought was bad ass!) the cannon in the chest is similar and the head on wreckage is pretty megatronish. Well thanks again and keep up the good work. I'll be looking for the blog for the sequel!
Congratulations on the win and for enjoying the blog. As for Megatron, in the leaked script it was never indicated he would get an earth mode. For a while there where rumors, fed by the producers, that he would get a fighter jet mode, but I don't think there where ever plans to create an earth mode for him. As for Wreckage, he was a designed character for the movie that got canned in the pre-production phase. The drone toys exist for Transformers: The Game also exist for the same reason. The design work was already done, might as well use em. Purely practical.

Transformers Related Humor

Here is some humorous stuff stumbled across or provided by site readers to hopefully entertain. The cartoon related videos do have cuss words so not safe for work or kids.

First off, is the humour article about the "7 Most Useless Transformers Ever", the list in decreasing order is Soundwave, Wheelie, Astrotrain, Computron, Nightbeat, Perceptor, and Repugnus (who?).

Second, a humorous video of a McDonald's manager freaking out over someone ordering food with an Optimus Prime helmet on. Sadly can't embed so click here to view.

Next, two video of a remixed episodes of two Transformers cartoons. These are the cuss word loaded ones. The third video is a cute Street Fighter style fight between Megatron and Optimus Prime. Thanks to Radames for the links to the videos. The fourth video, not really humorous but is a Nissan "Transformers" commercial that's more morphing then transforming but still the influence is there. Thanks to Trailer for the link.

Monday 2 July 2007

Transformers Is Awesome

I have seen the movie and I declare thee fantastic. I may do a formal review later but suffice it to say the movie does it job and does it well. Its very very entertaining. The transformations are jaw dropping. I can't wait for a sequel with a bigger budget so can have some more Transformer goodness. There are some Bayisms in the movie but they are much fewer and far between, and therefore more effective so its not a negative.

I think that audience word of mouth will carry this movie farther then any other summer film this year. So see the movie. See it with friends, in a crowded theatre with surround sound. Its kind of fun to hear and see reactions for something we had already been a fan of for up to decades now. Bay and company have been vindicated and when they said "wait and see", they where not kidding.

Final note, I sat through the credits and their are only 3 sequences that occur during the credits, none after. The last involves a Transformers. Once see that, free to go unless just like reading the credits.

Update: For the United Kingdom, they have 25 long days and Japan another 30 so the countdown begins again for the UK.

Its Almost 8, Do You Have Your Ticket?

Its almost 8 here on the east coast and soon Transformers will dawn in the US. Reviews from fans have been positive. Reviews that focus mostly on entertainment value rather then the artsy fartsy has been postive. Basically where it matters, its all good. Suffice it to say I am very excited, hoping to see the movie later tonight. Do do you have a ticket yet?

Sector 7: Brief Blackout Video

The Sector 7 website has added a new video to the site. This time it shows a video that launches after log in of Blackout attacking. Click here for direct link bypassing login. Thanks to Maximus for the heads-up.

Sunday 1 July 2007

More Reviews

8:00PM tonight, Transformers hits the United States. With the summer of sequels mostly being a series of whimpers rather then bangs, the 9 mostly competition free days will make or break the chances of a sequel. If it bombs like Die Hard 4, those chances get dim, but if it becomes a record breaking weeks, then all systems go. I have a feeling this movie is going to do what Pirates of the Caribbean 2 did last summer where good reviews and excellent word of mouth was money in the bank and the
hit of the year.

By good reviews, I mean the ones that focus on entertainment value rather then trying to predict the next Oscar nom or "great American classic." The artsy fartsy reviewers that always judge movies based on the usual literature values and forget that entertainment are not important for summer blockbusters. Speaking of reviews, below are some. The gist of all of em is highly entertaining movie with amazing CGI and good performance by Shia LaBeouf but there are some plot problems.

RottenTomatoes - Grand warehouse of all reviews. As of 4:20EST 64% with 46/72 positive.
AICN Reader Reviews - Basically most still griping about some of the changes (Optimus flames, voices, etc) but call it very entertaining.
Newsarama - 3.5/4 "It’s fun and so quick that by the time its over you won’t have time to gripe"
USA Today - 3/4 "Yes, it's loud, explosive and silly, but it also perfectly embodies the concept of a summer blockbuster with its simple good-guys-vs.-bad-guys plot, cheeky humor and flawless special effects."
CNN - "The most expensive toy commercial ever made, "Transformers," Michael Bay's live-action film about the surprisingly durable Hasbro product line, is long, loud and altogether less than meets the eye." Ouch, basically the guy didn't like the plot and it ruined the whole movie for him. Kind of not the point of watching these kind of movies. Sometimes you want to shake reviewers and scream "mindset!!!". You in with wrong mindset (your own or advertisement caused) it will screw a movie for you. 1408 is an example. Its a more psychological drama and less thriller then billed.
AICN Moriatry Review - "It’s very entertaining, and it might as well say “Starring ILM As The Coolest Goddamn Robots You Ever Saw” in the opening credits, because that’s what is going to make the film whatever size hit it is."
AICN Capone Review - "Even die-hard Bay detractors are going to have a hard time denying the good time they have watching Transformers."
Roger Ebert - 3/4 "It's goofy fun with a lot of stuff that blows up real good, and it has the grace not only to realize how preposterous it is, but to make that into an asset." Well I be damned, Ebert liked it.

Here is a Transfan review (with spoiler warnings) sent to me from Malaysia:
Transformers 07 Review
by Desmond Hew

It never struck me as anything fancy with the idea of a longtime favorite cartoon show [one of my childhood memories like so many others], being 'transformed' into a huge Hollywood film. We all saw it coming. Transformers had all the potential right from the start.

Little did I know Michael Bay and Spielberg would be involved. Bay is definitely one of the fastest rising power-directors in Hollywood history. Despite only a handful of movies to his credit, they've always taken in hundreds of millions. The one before him [who also grew to power with so few movies], was James Cameron. I knew for a fact Bay was a hardcore nut at making everything look photorealistic,
particularly from his PearlHarbor battle scenes. So I was wondering how he'd tackle both autobots and decepticons.

Now after watching Transformers and seeing how great they looked, I swear you can bet Hollywood WILL be gearing up to adapt more and more of these. I see the start of a new sub-genre coming. It happened to those sword & medieval epics, the comicbook superheroes, it'll happen to this! I do hope to see Robotech or Gundam... and Evangelion in the future. Word has it that Voltron and Thundercats are already in line.

But as far as adapting goes, let's face it, Transformers was never too thick and dense in its narrative, or at least as rigorous and all thought-out as say, the X-Files. I'm talking about the earlier seasons mind you. What stood out for the Hasbro show were its great characters and just that concept of 'transforming'... Plus, if those robots looked and sounded cool, it was enough to make us [as kids at the
time] wanna buy the toys! So for me, the 2007 movie's story wasn't one I was concerned about. I was more interested in seeing how it would differ and be condensed in terms of characters... and yeah, how realistic Bay would want his transformers to be!

Now granted, you can't have everything and I'm still baffled by people expecting the movie to simply be an exact 101% replica of the series. Trust me, you'll save yourself the pain by not expecting that. It never happens when you look back on the others that were brought to the bigscreen, whether successful or unsuccessful. Not just with Transformers, but with all franchises. Same with the X-men movies...
you can't have it all exactly the same can you? It's compromise ya see.

Anyway, Bay starts the film with a huge bang when an unidentified 'chopper' destroys a whole army base. Lemme tell you this sequence is a cause for 'WOW'... especially when ya first hear that classic transforming sound and see it blow everything up... way up!

Afterwards, the film branches off to other story threads, particularly with Sam Witwicky [Indy 4's Shia LaBeouf] which is the main focus. And rightfully so, since his is the more involving and funny one. It's mostly a teen plot, mixed with a bit of Stephen King's Christine [at least that's what I felt] and the scenes with him discovering Bumblebee are hilarious. Anyway, he and Megan Fox's story gets
intercut with the military/government trying to figure out the army base attack from the beginning with Jon Voight leading the operation.

Eventually all sub-stories converge for a massive climax in the city and Shia's early discovery of Bumblebee's true form will lead to the close encounter with Optimus Prime and the autobots. It's basically all a race to retrieve/destroy an ancient CUBE that came from their native planet of Cybertron... which holds the key to earth's survival.

Now the introduction of this 'cube' was somewhat strange to me at first because I thought our beloved robots [whether good or evil] were simply gonna deal with Energon-cubes but I guess it's an okay addition that stands out from the cartoon series.

Obviously the decepticons too are in pursuit of the cube though it's never quite clear what they do while the other stories unfold. Well except maybe for Frenzy, who seems to progress frequently in the first half. Now honestly, I don't like this little twerp. His character really dances on a fine line of being annoying, as if he's competing to be [almost] a muted Jar-Jar-Binks. On top of that, he's so
un-decepticon, the film should've ditched him since he sticks out like a sore-thumb. Clearly his addition is for the present 6 to 7 year old kids... despite the PG-13 rating. Now who is Frenzy?? Just wait till ya see one of them transforming from a PORTABLE STEREO SET. At times he reminds me of a Gremlin.

This may sound strange but I've always been a bigger fan of the Decepticons than the Autobots. Here, it seems to be the case as well. They get the more whacky vehicles with greater firepower than the autobots. Same goes for Megatron. I at first had mixed feelings about his 'new' design in this film, even though I'm not a megafan of the decepticon leader. Indeed it does deviate quite a lot from the series and I can understand the outrage for this new makeover. But after watching the film, it made far more sense for him to look the way he is. For those of you who don't already know, the transformers themselves appear in a more 'alien' form once they come to earth. They then have to immediately pick a vehicle for stealth reasons, which
results in their machine-like appearance that we're more familiar with. It's pretty much like the Terminator needing clothes when they arrive. For Megatron [and without giving too much away], he'll only appear in the last quarter, so he wastes no time for something pointless since he's after the cube, more than anything else. So
should the filmmakers give him a second appearance in the sequel, there's STILL hope for him to have a design that does him some mega-justice.

Moving onto another controversial alteration, was to have Bumblebee be a Camaro. I for one have no reservations on this matter. Other than the Herbie and copyright issues Bay had with VW, it's pretty obvious why he got switched to a Camaro. It's evident when he has to do those wild maneuvers in a chase with the decepticon, Barricade. It just looks much more satisfying rather than seeing all those turns being done by a 'cube-shape' Beetle. On the other hand, I DO have some pickiness about his communication abilities to Sam [Shia]. Him using excerpts from the radio just isn't Bumblebee at all! That's Jazz or Blaster! I know this goes against what I myself said about compromise, but stealing from other character traits isn't always a good idea and it proves to be true in this case. Also the robotic sounds Bumblebee
uses to substitute his otherwise muted state, are a little hard to swallow. He at times sounds like a howling animal especially when he's tangling with some choppers trying to apprehend him. I'm very sure some fans will have problems with this.

Primes another matter. I don't mind his flames. Is it that big a deal?? What I do NOT like with Optimus are his moving lips. They just seem limp. Other than that, it sure is great to hear Peter Cullen!! Who coulda done a better job? And as much as I would've liked to hear Frank Welker reprising Megatron's voice, I think Hugo Weaving does a nice contribution, though it sounds nothing like him since it's been
digitally modified and pitched down... but the results are still good.

Now certainly these characters would be nothing without the outstanding job of ILM and what a monumental achievement it is. If they don't deserve an Oscar, no one does! The effects are all tremendous and downright believable. ILM is truly the God [and Bomb] of VFX and always will be. Just to see the robots move and transform
is worth the price of admission alone. Think it's partly due to the fact that CG-armies and digital flesh creatures are becoming the norm. Those who had doubts whether Michael Bay can bring the transformers to life and have them rip the shit out of everything, can rest easy. Hey, it's Michael Bay afterall and if you've seen all his action, you'll know damn well what to expect. He spares nothing when it comes to it and Transformers is almost no exception. Plenty of chaos and destruction!!! And although I do have minor, minor issues, it was still superb overall! Just wait until the transformers reach the city and all hell breaks lose! One of my favorite moments is when Starscream comes after several fighter jets! From a plane, he transforms to a robot, sprays his machineguns midair to blow one up, then jumps & bounces off another jet [thus popping it with his weight], then turns back into a plane & spins round while firing again, all this in midair around the skyscrapers, through a single shot!! And the standoff between Megatron and Prime is also quite enormous. Almost none of it can be seen in the trailers, and I've watched them all unless new revealing ones surface. Even the one with Starscream and the jets can only be glimpsed at [like 1 second] through TvSpots. Like what Michael Bay said, there's a lot we won't see in the ad campaign!

And what an unusual campaign it is. I'm sure a lot of us know by now that it was all strategically done to not reveal too much of the Transformers. True it's annoying [still is as I look back] and goes against what most others would normally do which is show snippets of all the best or biggest scenes. Not so for this. As aforementioned, Prime's fight with Megatron isn't seen. It even goes so far as to not
show Prime grouping or interacting with his fellow autobots... or even letting us see the Transformers talk! As a result, it really grabbed me when the decepticon Barricade [a police cruiser], first uttered those loud words ---- "Are you username Ladiesman217?!!!!" ---- cheesy when ya read it, but truly menacing once you hear him!! Well, any gripes on their overall voices? Well as I said, Megatron sounds good but perhaps maybe Starscream is nothing like himself from the series [god bless you Chris Latta] though I can take it… since he doesn't speak much. One line I didn't particularly like from Optimus was him saying "My bad." ---- which felt out of character. Again, these were gripes to me… though may prove sacrilegious to Dot-Yer-I-Cross-YerT-fans. Fortunately he does say "Autobots, rollout!" so as a whole, it's give-and-take folks.

I mentioned earlier some minor issues with the battles but whether you'd agree with me is really subjective and may not worry others so here goes. Bay's action scenes normally go on too long and take forever to stop and admittedly at times I feel it does, especially in BadBoys2. For Transformers, it's a little ironic. Some of them DON'T go quite as long as I would've liked personally. For instance, Prime wrestling with Bonecrusher on the freeway where they both fall somewhat twenty stories down, could have been longer and exciting but it ends sooner then I thought. Even Prime's brawl with Megatron, though it has great, great moments, also seems slightly short and spare at least compared to normal Bay standards. Maybe it's because those like Bonecrusher and Blackout looked too impressive, I dunno.

This brings up a separate issue, which I think might alarm some fans. The transformers seem to 'burnout' a little too easily. Meaning they can be hurt or killed. This made me feel uncomfortable at first, but as I started to think and look back on the series, things were the opposite. Almost no one could ever, ever die, let alone be severely hurt... plus the decepticons always retreat and that's it! Here, even Bumblebee gets crippled and some decepticons 'burnout' in the climax... and maybe a little too quick and easy for my personal tastes another little gripe there folks. But if you're worried whether they had a chance to show off their stuff; weapons, transformation and all, it's there!!

So there you have it. Transformers is truly awesome and should you be a wimp and prefer to wait for it on home-video, lemme say you're committing one hell of a cardinal sin. Films like Transformers are made for the BIG screen [and sound] experience. So transform and rollout when it hits theaters!!!!!

Rating: 4 out of 5
Update: Adding reviews as stumble across em.

Transformers Movie Primer

"moviepreviewcritic" has posted a primer to prepare Transfans for the changes made to Transformers in the movie from the beloved Generation 1 incarnation. Its actually pretty well done, humorous, and I think will help some get in the proper mindset when seeing the movie. Thanks to Hotrod for the link.

Movie Clip: Autobots Introduction

Thanks to the ever helpful Maximus, there is now a clip available that shows the introduction of the Autobots to Spike and Michaela. Its a great scene.

Transformers SuperTrailer

"muzicdox" has posted a SuperTrailer for Transformers that combines all the clips, TV spots and trailers to create one really long trailer that is 10 minutes long. Pretty good job too. Thanks to Trailer for the link.

Blackfilms.com Transformers Contest

Blackfilms.com is running a Transformers contest where the Grand Prize is 3 Voyager TF toys and the Transformers: The Album. Thanks to Wilson M for the information.

Contest description:
One Grand Prize will receive the following:
1 Hasbro Transformers Ironhide Autobot
1 Hasbro Transformers StarScream Decepticon
1 Transformers: The Album

3 runner-ups each receive
1 Transformers: The Album

All you have to do is enter your information below starting June 29th thru July 6th. We'll draw names randomly on July 9th, 2007. Winners will be notified by E-mail. Only one entry per e-mail address will be accepted, and multiple entrants may be disqualified. Employees, agents, consultants and other advisors of blackfilm.com, Inc. are not eligible to participate in this contest. No one under -3 is eligible.

VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. GOOD LUCK! To enter, please email your Name, Address & Email Address to transformerscd@blackfilm.com with "Transformers CD and Toys" in the subject line.

All entrants MUST be residents of the United States. blackfilm.com
respects the privacy of its readers. No information submitted in this
contest will be given, copied, transferred, or sold to any third parties

Saturday 30 June 2007

First 3 Minutes of Transformers

First we get the Megatron voice for the first time, now can see (through a video camera in a theatre) the first three minutes of Transformers. It starts with the voice of Optimus Prime explaining the Allspark and goes right into the movie, no long title credit sequence. Thanks to the unknown person for the link.

"Before It's Too Late" Music Video

YouTube has the "Before It's Too Late" by the Goo Goo Dolls for the Transformers soundtrack music video. Thanks to Trailer for the link.

Michael Bay Message

In a message from Michael Bay over at his forums, he talks about the hard work of doing Transformers, especially the robots. He always talks about the influence or rather the lack of influence that Tom DeSanto and Don Murphy had on the movie. The original post is here, or was rather as it seemed to have been pulled.

Update: Pulled text of post by request. Decided to out of fairness to respect the request.
Another update: It appears based on recent mentions of the Wrap Poem and posting of Bay's message on another site (Defamer) that if it becomes news I will repost the text.

Luckily someone over at Seibertron.com had already grabbed the entire message. This is the Hollywood behind the scene stuff I like, the politics and intrigue that goes on cause the public face is shiny happy people and with the money and egos involved there is no way that is the truth. Thanks to Chad for the info over at the blog forums.

The message:

The movie is over.

Wow that was a hard one, but I must tell you it was so much fun. The most difficult actors I’ve ever worked with, besides Bruce Willis, are Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. They took every single one of my days for a year. But they are well worth the work. I’ve just traveled 36,000 miles around the world (in two weeks) and had the most amazing premiere at the Taormina film festival in an ancient, Greek-built theatre that existed well before the birth of Christ. I loved seeing the reactions to the film from so many different cultures. This movie really travels around the world. I’m so excited for everyone to see it. Thanks to all you that supported me on this film.

Just so I set the story straight, my budget started a $145 Million it crept to $150 and some change – I’m very proud of that – the fact that we are half the cost of all these other summer blockbusters. I see people doubt that out on the net, but anyone want to challenge me I’ll put a ten thousand dollar bet down on the table right now.

Even when the studio tried to ship me out to Canada or shoot down with Aussies - I looked but I knew we were dead up there. I needed my crew that I have been loyal to for years, they are the best in the world. Besides I believe American movies that portray America, should be made in America. I cut my fee 30% so I could make this at home. I knew this was right for the movie so I asked the other producers to join – Ian and Lorenzo did, and the two others (that came attached to the project) Tom Desanto and Don Murphy did not. That was my introduction to them – they did not want any part of their fee going to make a better movie. Things like that don’t usually sit well with me.

Now that the movie is done I get strange questions from the press. Like “how did Tom control the set”? What? “ How did Tom and Don control you?” What the fuck. “How was it working with Tom and Don who knew Transformers so well?” “We heard Tom wrote the story – he had a 90 page treatment, right?” Okay stop. Let me take you back in time. Tom and Don are very nice guys, but let’s get some facts straight.

Tom had one creative meeting with me for one hour and ten minutes to be exact about a year ago. He told he was the über fan boy and was going to protect me from the minefields. The type of minefields on the Net like “Damn you Michael Bay” “You wrecked my childhood Michael Bay” and other various web death threats I received. Tom proceeded to tell me how much he had problems with the robot designs and script issues. I realized he was worlds apart in my vision. I said thank you very much, and then showed him my office door - I never really spoke to him again other then to mutter hello. He would occasionally come to the set with guests like it was some theme park. I never spoke creatively with Don. I read his notes kind of trashing the script and making me and the writers feel like a big shit pile. But during production Don was nice to me, he knew I was not going to talk creative with him.

One day not too long ago, the writers of our movie Alex and Bob called me in a panic saying all of a sudden after the movie was almost finished in post that Tom was applying for writer's or story credit. I was appalled because neither the writer’s nor I ever saw any treatment. Well, he applied for credit, but the Writer’s Guild shot him down, denied him.

But what made my blood curl was something that was on the Net with Tom at the Saturn awards on IESB.net where they interviewed him about the movie – a movie I might add he had not seen yet. He acted very much like he did. Check it out as he vamps through the questions, and how Hugo put his “thumb print on it”. Give me a break the guy was lying through his teeth - he had seen nada, nothing until the press screening.

So that’s the real truth, I had to say it, cause I'm tired of answering these questions.

What these guys did do was stuck with a ‘silly toy movie’ and pushed it around town and kept the faith after everyone turned them down, always with the hope that maybe someone somewhere would make it. Now I commend them on that. Hats off to them, but trying to taking creative credit in the press let me just say it – irks me. Too many credits are given to too many people who had nothing to do with the movie. Hell even investment bankers with not the slightest idea of how to make a movie all of a sudden are big producers in town.

I guess that’s how it goes in Hollywood.

Update: I re-added the message because this letter is indication of a problem between Bay and Don Murphy and Tom DeSanto that ultimately removed those two form the Transformers II as producers.

"Live from the Web Carpet" Interviews

That Megan Fox and Shia LaBeouf interview posted about earlier turned out not to be only one they put it. All the interviews are up they used for the webcast and as a whole they are pretty interesting. Its a mix of the usual questions with a few new ones. Its also about the only time going to see Rachael Taylor in an interview it seems and she is just as hot as Megan Fox.

Movie Clip: Megatron Speaks

Thanks to the ever diligent Tigerclaw, there is footage on YouTube of Megatron (Hugo Weaving) speaking. Its a clip that aired during Shia LaBeouf's interview on the Late Show with David Letterman on Friday night. Its good footage but I have a feeling the voice will be an issue for many Transfans. I can't even tell its Hugo Weaving doing the voice which either is kudos for him or the sound mixers, not sure which.

Transformers: HBO First Look On YouTube

The U.S. HBO First Look at Transformers has been posted on YouTube for all to see. A lot of it is the usual cheerleading style that's designed to sell the movie. Most of the movie footage has already been seen in previously released clips and trailers but there are small new bits. There is a good amount of behind the scenes footage, explanations of how the Scorponok stuff is done, and some of the training the actors did to prepare.

This is probably the most seen of Rachael Taylor yet who has kind of disappeared because of the spotlight shown on Megan Fox. Not sure why, would think throw both eye candy at the press for selling the movie. Maybe she is doing the overseas press stuff.

As a whole its fine for trying to sell the movie, but I am really hoping that when do the DVD extras its a real behind the scenes deal that was shown in some parts only much longer. If people bought the DVD, they don't need another cheerleading "watch this movie" session. They have already been sold, now they want information. Thanks to Trailer for the links and "jombyd" who uploaded it on YouTube.

Today Show Shia Interview

MSNBC has posted a video of the Today Show hosts interviewing Shia LaBeouf with the Optimus Prime truck in the background. Its a sales pitch of the movie and apparently Transfans are really called Trannies. News to me.

To view it, click here then click "Transformesr star Shia LaBeouf". Tried to get the direct link but not with any success. Thanks to HotRod for the heads-up.

Sector 7 Site Update

Sector 7 site has finally updated with some new content under the password DECEPTIBOT. The info under most of the harddrives remain the same including the second one remaining locked. However, last one contains 3 more "Operation: Hungry Dragon 2" files. Those new videos are humorous viral videos that show expresso machine, toy robot, and grill auditioning to be in Transformers. Its just goofy.

On the bottom bar though there is some new content. The "I" symbol, the 6th and 7th floor of the building schematics are finally unlocked so the design of the entire headquarters of Sector 7 is now viewable. Also on several floors the "surveilliance video" has returned. Specifically floor 1 section 3 (1-3), 4-18, 5-8, 7-2, 7-9, 7-8 (Megatron).

Under the Yield symbol is a video of soldiers investigating a helicopter crash. A helicopter that happens to look exactly like Blackout. The suggestion is this where he gets his form and might play into his sequence in the movie.

The final updates are with the Global Tracking Data (the globe) and SETI (the satellite). Under the satellite is a long bizarre sound file that frankly makes no sense to me. I am guessing that the implication is the pattern of sound suggests intelligent attempt at communication rather then just normal solar noise. Beats me though.

I wonder how many updates are left, whats under the second harddrive, what happened to Dr. Howard and Agent whathisname, and whats in the world is the point of the surveillance videos especially 7-9 with its now 147 days of safety. Thanks to Maximus for pointing out the update.
Under the globe is the more intersting bits. Its a layout of the world, with X marking the spots of possible NBE (Transformers) sightings. About half the videos are UFO vides of the strange light in the sky variety. Some have been seen before on this sight but I think the newest one is North California which shows a flash card transforming into Laserbeak. Pretty slick.

Two Shia and Megan Video Interviews

JoBlo.com has posted a video interview with Shia LaBeouf and the lovely Megan Fox. No new information is reviewed they just pretty much talk about how amazing the movie will be. Also good indication of Shia's humor as he mimicked Megan (I think).

JoBlo.com Interview

The second interview was done for webcarpetlive.com as is pretty much more of the same. Its gets a little bit more into the actors rather then the movie. Megan talks about that Marilyn Monroe tattoo (what was she thinking?). She also lets her geek flag fly for a moment regarding Lord of the Rings.

Its actually amusing to watch these interviews because the actors are in the same outfits, same backgrounds because its a press round robin. Basically its a line of interviewers that have X minutes to ask a few questions and then be on their way. You just now by the time this is over the actors are ready to strangle someone the next time asked "what was it like working with Michael Bay?". Thanks to Hotrod for the YouTube link.

Friday 29 June 2007

International Readers Opinions of Transformers?

The movie has has its world premiere in Italy, its US premiere in the US, its Botcon bow at where ever Botcon is being held. Several countries around the world can now go to their local theatres and take a look. So for all those find folks that got to see it before the US, UK and other countries, tell us what you think. Did it suck, not suck, whatever. Just keep the spoilers to minimum, warn of spoilers and so forth.

Oh yeah forgot to mention, be sure to check out the Transformers Live Message Boards. Great place to discuss the pros and cons of the movie and pretty much anything else.

USA Today's Transformers Articles

USA Today has posted several articles about Transformers that was actually interesting, informative and accurate. For instance I didn't know that then Marvel Comics Editor in Chief Jim Shooter was involved with the creation of Cybertron for the Transformers. Basically the articles are treated as straight up "here is some information about Transformers" rather then the usual eye roll tongue in cheek thing the media tends to for these kinds of things.

Transformers: From toy story to serious art? - Covers origins of the Transformerse line into development of the movie
Transforming 2007 into the summer of Shia - Piece about rising popularity of Shia LaBeouf
Evolution of the shape-changers, from Japanese toy to big screen - Overview timeline of Transformers

Thursday 28 June 2007

Transformers TV Spot 15

I think its 15 anyway. There have been so many starting to lose track. Its short 15 second one with only about 1 seconds of new footage.

Transformers 2 Already Greenlit?

According to reports on various websites, the sequel has already been greenlit. Which seems a bit early without a script. Nor any clue on sales. Chances are, based not only on all the reviews and anecdotal evidence, this is going to be a grandslam sales wise. Usually studios wait until the first weekend to approve these things.

I hope its true but so far the "proof" has just been "I think I saw on ET that the sequel has been greenlit!!!". No indication of who said it to who in the program. It could have just been speculation. Hopefully the Michael Bay blog or one of the producers will pop up online and confirm or deny the news. Even better would be YouTube footage.

The box office sales will ultimately make the final decision but with the so-so reviews of Die Hard 4 and Harry Potter until a week later, Transformers is about to have 10 or so days of box office ownage. With previous confirmations of the cast locked for sequels and scripts being discussed, a sequel is pretty much a foregone conclusion.

GM Blogs About Transformers and the Camaro

GM has a blog. Who knew? Anyway they posted two videos about cars of Transformers. From their blog comes two video.

The left video is with Micah Jones, Interior Design Team for the Camaro, who discusses how the Camaro is a fit for Transformers since its "a bridge from the past to the present." Actually a pretty good argument if listen. Course I am biased as I think not using a Beetle was a smart decision. He also just discusses his enjoyment of Transformers in general and comes across as a genuine Transfan.

The right video is a shorter and goofier video with Tom Peters, Director of Exterior Design for the Camaro. He talks about why he thinks the Camaro was chosen as the car for Bumblebee. Thanks to Mary for the link.

Update: At the request of Paramount, GM removed the videos. Personally I don't see what the issue was. The videos talked about the Camaro and why they think it was a good choice to be in the movie. Nothing Paramount owned was even in the video (the Camaro I would think is GMs).

Sounds like over zealous lawyers cause I get the feeling there is major crackdown on anything that even sniffs of potential copyright infrigement (so beware you bittorrent folks) as they don't want to lose even 1 penny of potential sales. Course I am thinking that if your satisfied with a crappy copy of the movie on your computer screen chances are you didn't plan on going to pay and see the movie to begin with, but the lawyers, they work on the 1:1 ratio belief, ie every copy downloaded is 1 sale not made. Not true, but anyway.

FHM Megan Fox Interview

FHM (For Him Magazine) sent email and email pointing out their online brief interview and photos of the gorgeous but oddly tattooed Megan Fox. Basically its her looking hot with a few quotes.

You can find more pics here.

Wednesday 27 June 2007

Live Webcast Random Thoughts

Watching the "Live from the Web Carpet" webcast for Transformers. Its mostly pre-taped interviews lightly mixed with red carpet interviews. While watching, here are some random thoughts and notes at least until get to bored. If hit the site, along the top are some links, under "Videos" is the pre-taped video interviews they used.

- Turns out DeSanto collects comics, 35000k worth. He needs to hit me up as I could add another 10k to that size. Make it something really brag worthy.
- Rachael Taylor has a sexy accent and looks.
- No new movie clips shown that haven't already been online.
- Funny, at one point the host is right next Peter Cullen and doesn't know it. He isn't a known "face" so not really surprised missed him.
- Already tired of hearing "Live from the Web Carpet" said over and over.
- Linkin Park "We like to focus on many things." when it comes to music. The difficulty in spitting it out makes me thinks its more of "I listen for opportunities for some green." Can't blame em, I would to.
- I am thinking ET or E! will have a more concise summary of the sales pitches and the "look at me"s of the red carpet on their shows tomorrow. Not sure if slogging through those programs is worth it though.
- Why talk about who is walking around if are not actually talking to them? Typical red carpet interview style just strange to me.
- Megan Fox, also hot, still not digging those bizarre tattoos she has. I suspect those are cost her jobs as its something that has to be dealt with on any project she does, ie cover em, figure way to explain via character, and see most casting directors just deciding not worth the trouble.

Well obviously I got bored. No new ground was covered. All the clips are online and the interviews where the same information repeated. Not knocking the site though, if didn't have this blog, it would have lots of new info so for newbies playing catch-up it was probably be darn good.

TFW has a post from someone that attented the premiere. Click here to read, has spoilers. Probably the part that is most important "one shall stand, one shall fall". Oh yeah, probably very much to the annoyance of Hasbro, Brawl is still named Devastator.

Transformers Reviews

The LA Red Carpet Premiere (live webcast here)is starting soon and in the next couple days Korea, Australia, Taiwan, Mayaysia and other countries will get a chance to hit the theatres. So between all the screenings and various premieres around the world, reviews have started hitting the web.

The overall theme of the reviews is highly entertaining movie with great CGI. Some complaints of lack of depth but thats reviewers for you, always thinking every movie should strive to be an instant classic. Spoiler warnings for the reviews.

EmanuelLevy.com - B+ "what could have easily been the equivalent of a crowded and loud amusement park, full of attractions and rides to choose from, turns out to be a more unified and slightly more involving film than is the norm with summer flicks"
Sideshow Toys - 4.5/5 "it's a pretty straightforward, balls-out, big explosion, cheesy dialogue, effects-laden summer blockbuster"
Dark Horizons - "a quite effective thrill ride. It's the ecstasy of Summer movies - the first time is a rush, but each subsequent hit has less effect and proves ultimately futile after the first few times"
Variety - "Big, loud and full of testosterone-fueled car fantasies, Michael Bay's actioner hits a new peak for CGI work, showcasing spectacular chases and animated transformation sequences seamlessly blended into live-action surroundings."
Jalopnik.com - they felt it was basically a very entertaining extended advertisement for GM cars. Its a car site so might be a little bias. "cargasm" came up a few times.

Transformers Related Random Stuff

Tonight is the premiere in LA (webcast here) and figured good time as any to post various humorous clips and whatnot from readers been sitting on. Also the picture in the top left of this corner is a 1280x1224 wallpapoer created by Kevin, a site reader. Thanks Kevin.

The first video is a comedy short from Gabe of FAYM Productions staring Soundwave. The second video is an Optimus Prime cake. The last one is Gobots: The Movie from Black20 Pictures that paradies the TF trailers among other things. Thanks Kaya for the link.

Soundwave: The Touch

Optimus Prime Cake

Gobots: The Movie

Sector 7: G1 Starscream Video

The Sector 7 podcast updated with a new video called "The lies began in 1982". It then shows footage of a plane flying and then transforming into G1 Starscream. Very slick looking. The model they used is the Masterpiece Starscream toy that came out last year in Japan.

I tried to figure out a direct link to it but was unable. Use your favorite podcast software and look for "Sector 7 Must Be Stopped" to find it. If someone finds a YouTube of it or an easier way to download be sure to comment about it.

Update: Ultra Marcus has kindly provided the direct link to the movie file. If its gets converted to YouTube please post the link. Just do a right-click then save as. Thanks!
Masterpiece Starscream CGI Video

Another update: YouTube now has the video. No sound which is a shame but its not that important. Thanks to Darkfire for the link.

Burger King Commercial

The commercial use of the Transformers continues. I guess this means they have gone mainstream. Does that mean Transfans are no longer geeks? Anyway, its a cute commercial and overall it seems like the advertisers are having fun with the concept as using it in pretty creative way overall. They don't come across as boring. Thanks to Maximus for the link (and all the others she kindly provides).

Justin TV Live From Transformers Premiere

According to a post on TFW2005, if your a fan of Justin TV, Mooncricket Films is broadcasting from the LA premiere of Transformers as of now. No telling what may or may not see. Could just become a wall of heads, who knows but if your bored maybe something interesting will happen.

Click here to find out more.

MSN Video Movie Clip

MSN has a new clip called "Perfect Day" that is an amusing chat between Josh Duhamel, Tyrese, Zack Ward and that guy from Prison Break as they fly somewhere. The scene doesn't actually show any of the Transformers themselves. Sadly have to watch a commercial before the clip. Thanks to "Trailer" for the link.

MSN Transformers Clip

Transformers Chevy Commercials

Chevy has introducted two new commercials involving Transformers to advertise "Transform Your Ride" deals. The commercials are amusing and one involves Optimus "my bad" Prime and the other Blackout. Thanks to Maximus for the links.

With Blackout

With Optimus Prime

With Megatron

Update: Thanks to Trailer and Maximus for pointing out another ad, this time featuring Megatron. Also here is another Megatron commercial. The only difference to the above is the advertised vehicles and its a man picking up the car from the valet.

Tuesday 26 June 2007

CBS Radio's Live Webcast for Transformers Premiere

CBS radio sent an email to me about a new website they are launching called "Live from the Web Carpet." After reading about the site figure site readers will want to know about it cause the first installation will be from the red carpet premiere of Transformers with interviews from the cast and producers outside the Mann National Theatre. Sure its basically an extended advertisement for the movie (as all press filled premieres tend to be), but I will happily eat that junk up cause seems like might be fun and interesting.

The webcast starts on June 27th at 9:30 EST / 6:30 PST at Web Carpet Live.

The full press release:
Exclusive Video Presentations To Include Interviews With The Stars, Behind The Scenes Footage And Clips From The Featured Film

Debut Webcast From Premiere Of "Transformers," The Michael Bay Film Starring Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson And Josh Duhamel, On Wednesday, June 27

Earth has become the battleground pitting good versus evil in the highly anticipated Michael Bay film, “Transformers,” debuting in theaters this July. CBS RADIO stations will serve as the online destination for complete coverage of the movie’s Los Angeles premiere on Wednesday, June 27 (6:30PM, PT) as part of the Company’s latest series of web specials, “LIVE FROM THE WEBCARPET.” The half-hour program will be streamed live on more than 100 station websites spanning all CBS RADIO markets and formats, and available on-demand following the broadcast.

Hosted by Leo Quinones, host of the popular Film Freak radio show broadcast in Southern California, the debut episode of “LIVE FROM THE WEB CARPET” will capture all the excitement of the long-awaited premiere of “Transformers” and feature interviews with cast members including Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson, John Duhamel, John Turturro, and John Voigt, celebrities attending the premiere at the Mann National Theater, highlights from the movie, commentary from Executive Producers Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg, behind the scenes footage and a look at some of the spectacular props.

HBO Asia First Look At Transformers

"0JazzMeister0" of TFW2005.com has uploaded the 20 minute long version of HBO Asia's First Look for Transformers. The file is 266mb in size. Click here for U.S. HBO First Look schedule.

Be aware that historically the First Looks are more extended advertisements then behind the scenes, where everyone talks about how exciting the movie will be, the difficult stunts the actor committed to (forgetting to mention insurance company has to sign off on it so probably very safe) and generally take turns patting themselves and each other on the back. Between all that thought there might provide some behind the scenes stuff that might be interesting. This also means that when Transformers pops up on cable in about a year it will be on HBO and Cinemax.

HBO Asia First Look file

Transformers The Game Out At Retail

Today is the day that Transformers The Game is out for the game consoles, you know the XBox 360, PS3, PS2, and Wii. The DS and PSP versions hit last week. In general, if your really hyper about getting the game, wait until after 2:00pm as sometimes stores don't get a shipment until later in the day.

The real question though is we know the game has great graphics and pre-rendered movies, but is the game any good? Based on some reviews, maybe not. The games for the Wii, 360 and PS3 are identical accept for controls and graphic tweaks so review for one system basically applies to the other systems.

IGN PS3 Review - 5.7/10 Lack of depth and poor mission design but points for cool Decepticon mission design.
Gaming Trend 360 Review - 497/600 or 83% Liked the graphics and voices, thought the missions could use some work and more depth.
Gamespot 360 Review - 6.0/10 Same pros and cons of the other reviews, ie great voices, great graphics, so-so missions and too short a game. This one does mention camera problems also occuring and overall says pass on purchasing.

New International Trailer from Japan

International Trailer #2 has hit the web today. It has lots of scenes we have seen from the multitude of US trailers and TV spots but also lots of scenes who haven't seen before. Overall, a very nice trailer.

You can also find various resolution links to the trailer here. Just go down to "Intl Trailer #2". You can also try this link, provided by Maxiumus for direct access to Hi-Res version. However, for all those links, results may vary, as the files are in .ASX format which is not a commonly used U.S. codex so don't be surprised if it doesn't play.

Mark Ryan Confirms Bumblebee Voice Work

As previousily reported via movie pre-screenings, Mark Ryan is the voice of Bumblebee in the movie. On his website he had confirmed he was cast as the voice of Ironhide for Transformers The Game and not the movie. No mention of Bumblebee was made so no connection was made at the time.

The other day though, Mark Ryan finally was able to confirm that he is doing the voice of Bumblebee in the movie. Bumblebee doesn't have a voice box thanks to Megatron (see prequel comics) so I would assume that the lines are very few, maybe one or two. Thanks to Maximus for pointing the update.

From Mark Ryan's site:

I know there's been a lot of speculation about this issue online, so Paramount Pictures has given me official permission to now confirm that I am voicing Bumblebee in the new Transformers movie.

I was asked by studio publicity boss: Carl Williams, not to do interviews or reveal what actually happens until after the US release and I don't want to spoil the surprise for anyone! So my lips are sealed on that front!

Recent rumors that I actually look like BB under my clothes are however misguided, although I have been spotted walking like an Autobot at various conventions in the past...

I can say on a personal note that I like Bumblebee, as he's portrayed in this film very much. Michael Bay and ILM really succeeded in bringing him to life and imbuing him with so many human qualities and emotions. The relationship between Sam and BB is developed extraordinarily well and is both hilarious and moving. Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman gave him so many human facets, including heart and humor that leap out from the screen.

Bumblebee's trademark characteristics as the loyal, courageous and dedicated warrior-scout were already enshrined in Transformers lore and the relationship with Sam is developed so well in this film, in terms of his befriending this "alien human' ally and finding common elements, both romantic and humorous, that it's a pivotal part of the plot. I think it's an experience that people will personally be able to relate to.

In an odd twist of personal fate, my Bumblebee experience also mirrored the journey with Nasir from Robin Of Sherwood (a character close to my heart of course) as the quiet and stoical "stranger in a strange land." I'll talk more about that later...

I did however recognize early on, the simple human traits of compassion, sacrifice and humor that Bumblebee depicts and thought: “This is one very cool dude.”

I also think the new Camaro is pretty damn awesome as well...."

So! In other news I just finished playing “Boris” a dodgy Russian character for my old pal: Michael Monks. Michael makes his directing debut with “Joe And Brodie” and I'm very pleased for Michael as he's a very respected and experienced actor and coach, as well as a dear friend. This is an independent movie filming in LA and Michael's intelligent and insightful skills will be brought fully to bear as a director, I have no doubt. It's a very funny script and I wish the crew all the best for the shoot.

I can also now also announce I'll also be attending Comic Con in San Diego with Green Arrow pal: Mike Grell. We will be making an announcement regarding a new joint Graphic Novel project that we've been working on for about fifteen years!

And for those who asked very interesting questions on the mailing list and have been patiently waiting for the answers, I'll be working on them this weekend and will post replies during the coming week.

Thanks again to Mary for all the hard work and also for keeping the "Bumblebee issue" secret for all these weeks!

Best wishes to all,


Transformers for 48 Hours

According to Mania.com, Transformers will play 48 hours straight at the top 10 theatres in the country. Neat idea, only problem is the failure to mention what 10 theatres and what to days.

The article:
We already knew that Transformers was getting pushed ahead of its release date to Monday, July 2nd. This gives Pixar's Ratatouille only 3 days and Live Free or Die Hard 5 days (Six if you include midnight showings). It seems to go beyond that for Transformers though. They're literally invading theaters planning to overrun the box office competition.

A source inside the industry has informed me that while Transformers opening on Monday gives it a sizeable advantage over its competition, it also has something else going for them.He goes on to tell me that Paramount & Dreamwork's film will also have 24 hour straight showings in the top 10 movie theaters in the country for 2 days straight.

Yes, that's correct. The top 10 theaters in the country will be showing Transformers around the clock for 2 days straight from Monday thru Wednesday. 48 straight hours of coverage on all their screens.

This is going to be an invasion, Maniacs.

Wired Magazine Transformers Articles

Wired Magazine has posted multiple articles about Transformers that make for some interesting reads. Some are about the movie and others are just about the Transformers brand and its history.

- The Rebirth of Optimus Prime
- How an Obscure Collection of Japanese Action Figures Change the Way We Play
- Everything I Need to Know About (Real) Robots I Learned From Transformers
- Small Gallery

Monday 25 June 2007

Megan Fox Clip and Interview

Megan Fox appeared on the Today Show presenting a new clip from the movie in a conversation between her and Sam. Also Sci Fi wire posted a brief interview (below clip) with her regarding the movie.

The article:
Transformers' Fox Kicks Butt
Megan Fox, who co-stars with Shia LaBeouf in Michael Bay's upcoming Transformers movie, told SCI FI Wire that she was glad her character knew cars and got to kick butt. "Both of the female characters in the movie were very strong characters," Fox told reporters in Beverly Hills, Calif. "Rachael [Taylor]'s character's very intelligent, and I felt that they were representing women very well."

Fox plays the high-school crush of LaBeouf's Sam Witwicky, a popular girl with a secret past who finds herself caught up with Sam in an epic battle between giant robots on Earth. Fox got to do a lot of her own stunts, which had its costs.

"I lost my two big toenails at one point," Fox said. "Not to, like, a specific accident. It was just the constant running in the wardrobe boots, which rubbed my toenails off."

One big challenge was acting opposite giant robots that weren't there but would be added in post-production as computer animation. "All of the robots were represented by window-washing poles," Fox said. "And they were all height-appropriate to each character. ... We were looking in the right direction. And sometimes they had attached ... I never had a tennis ball, but ... [Industrial Light & Magic] has these red glowing ... balls. They would attach them to the top, and that's the face. And the rest you sort of create [in your imagination], and we have to create together, because we have to move at the same time, like we get approached by the same thing, so it was difficult." Transformers opens July 3. —Patrick Lee, News Editor

Dark Horizon's Roberto Orci Interview

Dark Horizons posted an interview with Transformers writer Roberto Orci regarding Transformers, Star Trek and other projects. No real information is revealed (other then Trek script finished and filming starts in November). I left in the Transformers stuff, removed the rest, so if want to read the whole article, click here.

The article:
Question: What is the balance you have to strike between the needs of characters and creating visual set pieces for Michael Bay?
Orci: The hardest balance actually was tone. Honestly, people are going to come at this thing. It's a cartoon, it's a toy line, it's for kids. It's not a movie. One of the ethics was trying to make it as realistic as possible. And yes, it's Transformers and there's a long history of fun in it so it all had to be fun. Those two, realism and fun, are complete opposites so the hardest part was walking the line in tone.

Question: Was the comedy the most fun you had?
Orci: That was fun. But it was also hard. It was the icing on the cake. Everything else had to be sort of in place before we could kind of get to that moment. We had to make sure that the structure of the movie was a solid paradigm that you could hit with a hammer and it wouldn't fall apart before we fully committed to what the humor could be. But it was always implicit in the process. It had to be fun.

Question: Was it your intention to cross age groups?
Orci: Certainly that was the studio's intention. From our intention, it was to try to be true to what the situation is which is you have this boy and everything that he brings to it. You have this world event happening in terms of how the government would react. If the kid's there, he's got parents so a lot of the things are dictated by- - as opposed to trying to fit some kind of a formula, it was more about starting from where we're starting from and trying to extrapolate it realistically and yet as fun.

Question: What would happen if there were snakes on a Decepticon plane?
Orci: I think we'd have a bigger hit. I should have thought of that.

Question: Is the military pleased with this film? What was their input?
Orci: First of all, it was amazing to get their help. The production value makes it such that the production value is far and beyond what the actual budget is thanks to their help. I was a little bit surprised by the fact that they were willing to jump in so readily because there is a slight thematic complexity in terms of what the military's role is. They get a terrorist scenario wrong. They assume it's the wrong people. They blame the wrong people. The only person who figures it out is a woman among all the men. So that was definitely part of something that we wanted to bring to it. So for them to jump on was very, I think, gracious. However, obviously, they also get to show off their stuff so I think both of us got something out of it.

Question: Did they have script approval?
Orci: They didn't have script approval. They can decide if they- - they suggested a few little things but nothing- - there's nothing they wanted to change pretty much that compromised too much. At the very end, the one thing that we went at them over was at the very end, we were going to say that the Defense Department had decided to hide everything. I'm not even sure what's in there now. The wording was such that it sounded a little more sinister than it turned out to be. Put it that way.

Question: How do you write for a director like Michael Bay?
Orci: The first great step is to make sure that he's not involved until you've written two drafts. So we wrote two drafts before we actually showed him anything. That was in order so that we would be confident that again, the structure would be solid enough that he could come in and play and we wouldn't be developing something based on an idea that was half formed. Also it helps when you have Spielberg as the producer. This is our second movie with Bay so we got to know him pretty well. We are able to predict essentially and very much we wrote this movie in a way for him and for Spielberg and for ourselves.

Question: How much did you take from the John Rogers draft?
Orci: We kept the idea of going after the Allspark. The basic idea that they're fighting for this artifact was in his draft but we kept that idea.

Question: Did Michael bring the "boy and his first car" idea or was that you?
Orci: That's something we came up with with Spielberg. Spielberg asked us to do the movie and we were very concerned it being a giant toy commercial with no humanity. We came in and we said, "Listen, we'd love to do the movie but we don't know what it is. Take your movie Close Encounters. It's a great alien movie but it's actually about a guy whose family is disintegrating through his obsession. Do you guys agree that this is a human thing?" And he said, "Yes, and here it is, a boy and his car." That's all he said. That was enough for us to go, "Ahh, okay, now I know what it is." Thus we developed a draft off of that.

Question: You address every possible fanboy thought, but why not try an EMP blast?
Orci: Well, there was an EMP blast at the bass. Not against, because everyone uses an EMP. They use it in Oceans 11. The minute you're in Vegas with an EMP device, aliens... So we did think of it. Maybe you're right.

Question: And there's no reason the aliens wouldn't be impervious.
Orci: Exactly. We considered EMP and we're like, "Nah."

Question: Is this a pre-9/11 action movie?
Orci: In our conversations, that same conversation with Spielberg, when we got off on Boy and his Car, we were like, "Well, we love"- - this is something we'd been wanting to talk to him forever, "We love the old Amblin days. The movies that I saw when I was targeted for this age group, when I was between 11 and 15, Back to the Future, ET, all those kinds of things." So we had literally a conversation about trying to bring back the old Amblin ethic. In a way, this movie was primarily written for what we wanted to see, what we thought Spielberg would want to see and what we though Michael Bay would want to see, hoping that if we succeed in all three that then the audience would want to see it. It's very much a mix of Spielberg/Amblin in a way and Bay/modern day action. That's kind of where it ended up.

Question: Was it good to have certain producers off Transformers?
Orci: No, I love them. We learned everything from them.

Fan Event In Hollywood, CA

FYI for those out in California from the producer of Bay's Touch (hilarious fan film)in regards to a fan event for the first screen of Transformers:

My name is Justin, producer of Bay's Touch

We are planning a great fan event at Arclight Cinemas in Hollywood, CA on Monday July 2. Producer Tom DeSanto will be greeting the fans, and bringing some of his TF friends along to say hi. Live Music, a TF costume contest, TF trivia contest, and appearance by Stan Bush are also in the works.

Please help get the word out: Arclight Cinemas Hollywood is the place to be on opening night!

Justin Sewell
Slave Boy Films

Transformers Via Satellite AT LA Film Festival

ENEWSI.com is reporting that the LA Film Festival will screen Transformers via a satellite feed. This will apparently be one of the first times a digitial feed has been done for a film. The screening will be on June 27th at 8:15PM in four theatres at the Westwood Village.

From the article:
L.A. Film Festival -- Microspace Communications Corporation (Microspace), the leading distributor of digital cinema via satellite, today announced that it will deliver the North American premiere of DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures' release of "TRANSFORMERS" to the L.A. Film Festival on June 27, 2007.

The exclusive pre-release screening of "TRANSFORMERS" will represent the first time a motion picture has been delivered via satellite to the L.A. Film Festival. The distribution will be one of the largest film premieres in history and will be screened simultaneously to thousands of viewers.

"Digital delivery is a key element in the change to digital cinema," said Jim Tharp, president, domestic distribution for Paramount Pictures. "We are so pleased to partner with Microspace for satellite delivery of TRANSFORMERS at the L.A. Film Festival."

"Satellite delivery of motion pictures continues to gain significant traction among studios and exhibitors as return-on-investment is realized," said Curt Tilly, manager of digital cinema distribution at Microspace. "The quality and reliability that digital delivery yields, enables both studios and exhibitors to feature the highest quality presentation the first time and every time."

Microspace collaborates with studios, content preparation companies and exhibitors to utilize satellite distribution and its benefits. The proven workflow and electronic delivery of Microspace's satellite distribution provides the industry with a turn-key solution for content delivery and minimizes the potential issues and costs associated with physical delivery. Through the use of two discrete satellite systems, movies and keys are delivered on-time, every-time at Microspace connected theatres.

The North American premiere will be open to 4,000 people across four theaters in Westwood Village where they will view the Autobots(R) and Decepticons(R) battle it out. The premiere will take place on June 27, 2007 at 8:15 p.m. "TRANSFORMERS" will open in theaters nationwide on July 3, 2007.

For centuries, two races of robotic aliens - the Autobots(R) and the Decepticons(R) - have waged a war, with the fate of the universe at stake. When the battle comes to Earth, all that stands between the evil Decepticons(R) and ultimate power is a clue held by young Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf). An average teenager, Sam is consumed with everyday worries about school, friends, cars and girls. Unaware that he alone is mankind's last chance for survival, Sam and his friend Mikaela (Megan Fox) find themselves in a tug of war between the Autobots(R) and Decepticons(R). With the world hanging in the balance, Sam comes to realize the true meaning behind the Witwicky family motto - "No sacrifice, no victory!"

DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures Present, in Association with Hasbro, a di Bonaventura Pictures Production, a Tom DeSanto/Don Murphy Production of a Michael Bay Film, "TRANSFORMERS" starring Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson, Josh Duhamel, Anthony Anderson, Megan Fox, Rachael Taylor with John Turturro and Jon Voight. Directed by Michael Bay from a story by John Rogers and Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman and a screenplay by Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, the film is based on Hasbro's Transformers(TM) Action Figures. The producers are Don Murphy, Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura and Ian Bryce and the executive producers are Steven Spielberg, Michael Bay, Brian Goldner and Mark Vahradian. The director of photography is Mitchell Amundsen. The production designer is Jeff Mann. The film is edited by Paul Rubell, A.C.E. and Glen Scantlebury. The costume designer is Deborah L. Scott. The music is by Steve Jablonsky. The music supervisor is Dave Jordan. The special visual effects are by Industrial Light & Magic. This film has been rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi action violence, brief sexual humor and language.
From ENI: The first 8,000 tickets for next week's TRANSFORMERS release sold out in eight minutes in Los Angeles.

Sunday 24 June 2007

Yahoo Movies Australia Movie Clips

Yahoo Movies! Australia has up a streaming movie clip between Rachael Taylor and Anthony Anderson. Apparently its a scene about the two being grabbed by the FBI to assist in dealing with the Transformers. Its fairly amusing scene. A second clip is also up with Josh Duhamel talking to his family via satellite.

Click here to view it. May take a moment to load and there will be a commerical before it.

Update: Tigerclaw strikes again (thanks!) and has provide us with a YouTube rip of the "Doughnuts" and "My Ladies" clips (both aptly named by him).


My Ladies


Transformers The Album Website Is Up

Turns out the Transformers Soundtrack is got its own website to. They have a website for everything nowadays. Not much to the website yet, just samples of the same 3 songs that the official site is already playing in full. Also has pics of all the bands that just link back to each band's website. According to Amazon, the CD is coming out July 3rd.

Click here to check it out.

Transformers The Game for Nintendo DS On Sale

Circuit City sales flyer for the week has listed the two Nintendo DS games, Transformers: Autobots and Transformers: Decepticons, on sale for $19.99 rather then $29.99. So if plan on getting the games, now is the time to save some bucks.

Turns out Toys R US is also having a sale on Transformers for the Nintendo DS. There's is even better with ALL DS games on sale at "Buy 2 Get 1 Free". So if you buy three DS games (two of em Transformers) at $29.99, it works out to about $20 each. Just remember that the free one is the cheapest of the bunch so you want the prices to be the same for maximum value.

So if you really want those games, your choices are Best Buys if only want one or both of the games or Toys R Us if there have been more then a few games you have been interested in (say Final Fantasy III).

Another update: Lorenzo P. provided a link to a YouTube video of a bug with Transformers: Decepticons. Unfortunately the video provides no dtails on how common the bug is or how easy or hard it is to trigger the bug.

Saturday 23 June 2007

Transformers TV Spot #14

Another day, another TV spot. This one shows more of Megatron and Prime as they transform some weapons and get ready to go at each other. Very cool. Thanks to Tigerclaw for the YouTube upload and Maximus for the link.

Few Movie Stills

Seibertron.com has posted four movie stills from Transformers. Thanks to Chad T. for the link.

Transformers TV Spot #13: Army

Myspace.com has another TV spot for Transformers called "Army" that is about a 50-50 mix of old and new. There is also a 14th TV spot that has "What I've Done" from Linkin Park playing half way through it but so far haven't found it online.

An Email From Stan Bush and Botcon

Stan Bush, he of "The Touch" and "Dare" from the 1986 animated Transformers: The Movie, sent an email asking me (hey I am on somebodies radar at least) to post about his upcoming new album and performance at Botcon (a yearly Transformers convention) that starts June 28th.

Stan Bush's message:
To all those who dare to believe,

My new studio album "IN THIS LIFE" (+2 bonus Transformers tracks) is available for pre-order at

I'm working on some other distribution methods as well, but this is your chance to purchase the album direct from the source!

Here are a couple snippets from reviews of IN THIS LIFE... and these are from the European release, they didn't even have the two bonus Transformers tracks on them!

Andrew McNeice of
Melodicrock.com rated my newest album a 96% "Must Buy" and states that it has the potential to score the coveted "album of the year" award!

Juha Harjula of
Melodic.net gives the album an excellent 4 star rating and says, "...Stan Bush is back with a brand new album and he is hungry as ever."

For those that are attending Hasbro's Botcon I will be doing a couple panels, autograph sessions, and even a fully plugged performance at the awards show! I will also have a dealer table setup and will be selling my newest album and other memorabilia as well. So come on by, and pick something up to be signed. Check out my Botcon page here:


I look forward to meeting all of you, and TIL ALL ARE ONE!

All the best,

Transformers The Game Starscream vs Jazz

Gametrailers.com strikes again, this time with a teaser of a boss battle Starscream vs Jazz. Thanks to Tigerclaw for the link. The scaling is solid with Jazz looking like a midget compared to Starscream.

Friday 22 June 2007

3 Songs From Transformers Soundtrack Now Streaming

The official Transformers movie website is now streaming three songs from the upcoming soundtrack for Transformers which I think is coming out this Tuesday. The songs are "Before It's Too Late (Sam and Mikaela's Theme) by the Goo Goo Dolls, "What I've Done" by Linkin Park and "Transformers Theme" by Mutemath.

To find the songs, go to the TF movie website, pick a side, wait for screen to load and will see an option "Soundtrack" in the top right of the screen. Click it and there you go. Oddly the Linkin Park song made me think of the movie Halloween with its opening chord.

There is also other updates on the sites, galleries and the like that might be worth checking out. Thanks to Maximus for the heads-up.