Tuesday 27 March 2007

New Transformers Posters

Its look like the Hugo Weaving Megatron announcement has more or less become the mark of the beginning of the official advertising push for Transformers. With a budget of $150 million for the film, it wouldn't suprise me in the least if the advertising budget is around $40-50 million. With this renewed push comes the next posters for the movie, each a gigantic and detailed shot of Optimus and Megatron's heads. AICN got the one-sheets a day before they show up in USA Today. Suffice it to say they look good and for the Optimus fans notice the mouth shield.

I merged the two posters just for giggles and despite my best efforts, it doesn't appear the backgrounds are shared 100%. Its possible there is a third poster to be released later that could fill out the middle to create a continuous background but doubtful.

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